Use your wounds as ⚡Activations⚡
Pain can be the portal for awakening.
For activating your power through old wounds, keeping you stuck in old loops of the past.
We only cycle back to the past and sift through old stories because we're missing something there. We're fixated because that's the place we lost our power—a part of our soul, our energy, our heart.
We cycle back because that wound—if healed, can be the most potent portal to our soul's awakening. But only if you know how to call back that power with the right healing tools.
Listen to the Blog Talk Radio episode where I speak about the transformative opportunities we have for healing our past wounds with soul retrieval.
And of course, if you want to learn more about soul retrieval check out my book: Be Wholey You: How to Bounce Back from Any Challenging Life Experience with Soul Retrieval here: