How to Protect Your Energy Easily and Quickly without Feeling Drained
Have you ever had that needy client, friend, family member [insert energy vampire person you know here] who you’ve been trying to help but who just drains the life outta you? Maybe it’s someone you just can’t avoid, like a co-worker, or perhaps it’s someone you really want to help like a client or friend, but no matter what, after spending a few minutes with them you feel sucked dry, or even heavy with their vibes—like you’ve somehow taken on the weight of their world.
Or maybe you’re just super empathic and you FEEL EVERYTHING…so no matter where you go you feel the sadness, anxiety, anger, and frustration of the collective.
In this How to Protect Your Energy Webinar, we explore the hidden hooks that may be DRAINING YOUR ENERGY (without you even knowing it) and the TOOLS TO PROTECT YOUR ENERGY and feel revitalized and empowered.
I know what it’s like to empathically pick up on other people’s heavy vibes, even when you don’t want to…especially when you’re just trying to help and be in service in a good way. IT CAN BE FRUSTRATED AND DRAINING TO have such a big heart and FEEL EVERYTHING and not know what to do with it all...
As a therapist and shamanic healer helping people heal trauma, I’ve had my fair share of feeling a lot of negative energy. Before I knew how to clear and protect my energy, I'd taken on a lot! I’ve had to deal with all the ENERGY BURN OUT, tiredness and heavy, weight-of-the-world negative vibes and all the ENERGY I'D EMPATHICALLY, and unknowingly, TAKEN ON. I even had ghosts and entities come to me in buildings at night while I was trying to sleep that left their negative imprints on me! Talk about a living nightmare!
Setting up fool-proof protection and clearing these energies helped me step into a whole new level of helping clients in my practice. I got to the point where I could be around—and work with—just about anyone without feeling tired or burdened.
I felt energized and full of positive vibes because I was grounded in my power and tapped into a wellspring of healing energy!
I’m giving you my best, step-by-step secrets so you don’t have to spend years like I did having to figure it all out alone. Instead, you get the cliff notes version in an easy-to-understand and apply way, that’s even tailored to fit your vibe so you get to feel even stronger and more vibrant than ever before because you’ll be discovering the best practices that work just for you!