3 Tips for Mastering Eclipse Season

We’re right in the middle of eclipse season. Are you feeling the intensity? Are you seeing the lessons the stars are curating for you? Are you getting extra clear on what you want and what you don’t want to have hold you back any longer?

Eclipse season is a serious window for magic. It’s a time when the moon, sun and the north & south nodes of the moon are all aligned. The north node represents where our souls are heading over the course of this human journey. It represents our dharma, purpose, and what balance we need to have right with ourselves to fulfill our missions.

The south node is the karmic past, our stories, where we’ve come from. The south node represents the shadow side of our selves, our past. The old addictive patterns, the parts of ourselves that are afraid to grow. In these times of eclipses, we get a peek into what old, outdated energies are holding us captive from the freedom of our dreams. Here are the crutches that we’ve been leaning on that keep us safe but incredibly small—and short of our true mission here on earth.

I love eclipse season because it’s a stark time for endings and new beginnings. Think Kali energy suddenly exploding and burning away what’s not in alignment, what’s toxic, and limiting you from true soul growth.

Eclipses are extra powerful times for setting intention, ceremony and release rituals. 

They are a time of expedited healing, growth, and offer the opportunity for rapid growth. They plant the seed for the next 6 months so we usually see the impact of whatever we work on now, by the end of the eclipse impact cycle.

So what are the best ways to master the extra intense energies of these eclipses?

1. Practice Radical Self Care- take time for yourself and simply be with all the emotions and energies coming up. It’s cancer season, which is a water sign, the archetype of the crab. Hardshell on the outside, soft underbelly, super intuitive, and tapped into the unconscious. Cancer rules the home, loves family, retreat, and needs time for self-nurturing. This is the top way to feel in balance, love on the self, and honor what emotions and lessons are coming up. 

 2. Identify the themes coming up to teach you. See where you can let go of old habits, co-dependencies, and situations that are holding you back from what you’re really here to do. Notice what’s out of balance and decide what it is that you really want in your life, and don’t want. Weed out the things that are bringing you more grief than joy, more frustration than support. Eclipses bring abrupt changes and endings. And it’s usually a good thing even if it hurts.

So grieve it out and let it go. Notice what’s coming up for you and surrender to how this cycle is trying to help you purge the old. 

3. Create a ritual and ceremony for yourself to really harness and shift the energy within and without. When you put your intentions into action and show the universe what you what to make space for, you end up working in alignment with these ecliptic cycles of purging and releasing so you can start planting new seeds that you’ll see bear fruit come the harvest season this Autumn.

Last Tuesday, on the 2nd we had the first Cancer new moon eclipse, starting off the eclipse season. On the 16-17th we’ve got the last, full moon eclipse in Capricorn, which may bring about some big emotions and big changes that are all trying to help you open, release and grow in mega leaps and bounds.

After studying with the Shipibo people in the Amazon jungle I realized that one of their main approaches to healing illness, pent up energy and emotions in the body is to PURGE them. To eject them out. Because if you think about it, we’re constantly in a state of consumption. With media, food, fluids, pollutants, unexpressed emotions, energy others project onto us or that we TAKE on. 

And we need physical outlets to let the toxins out. The energies we don’t need to carry anymore.
And out of the 12 plants in the Amazon jungle I studied, Dragons Blood has continued to reign as my favorite transformative plant to work with because it zeros in on those toxic emotions, parasites, build-up of toxins, and pulls them out. It’s a rapid ascension master plant that helps you do some seriously deep work in a short amount of time, just like these eclipses!

Sundays July 21st & July 28th are my next and final Dragon’s Blood Ceremonies for the season.


RSVP for the last 2 ceremonies this Season

Jenna shared:

“Thank you so much for the Dragon’s Blood session yesterday. I am honestly so grateful to know you...your work is life-changing! I am amazing. I am feeling huge shifts already in how I am in my relationship, and in life! My heart is so open. And I am so clear!”

The next dates in Brooklyn are:

Wanna brush up on the benefits of Dragon’s Blood? Check out the webinar I did for you HERE: