Benefits of Dragon's Blood Ceremonies
Dragon’s Blood is good for soooo many things, but especially useful for clearing negative energies and parasites from the body when done is sacred ceremony. Watch my video below to learn more:
Dragon’s Blood is a versatile tree sap that is a master healing plant. I work with it in a very specific ceremonial way (passed down to me from the Shipibo people of the Amazon Jungles of Peru) that helps clear physical and energetic parasites and elevates the mind, body and soul. In this presentation I share:
My personal story and struggles with gut issues and mystery illnesses
The healing properties of Dragon’s Blood
How to identify if you have parasites
Why these Ceremonies are so powerful
This is a sacred and advanced master plant medicine. Please do not try these techniques at home without an experienced practitioner. I’m available for private, couples and group ceremonies. Please check out my Ceremonial and soul retrieval offers here.
And see what my tribe has to say abut their healing experiences with Dragon’s Blood!
“The spirit of the Dragon led me through intense cleansing. For anyone considering this ceremonial practice, I’d strongly encourage you to partake. You’ll release so much negative, parasitic energy, and physical parasites you didn’t even know lived inside you. Kristen is a one-of-a-kind spirit guide that will undoubtedly help you step into your true purpose.”
“OMG! I can’t thank you enough!!!! The fog has lifted, I have energy, my brain works, it’s like night and day!!!!!! Can’t wait for round 2!”
Dragon’s Blood IS RIGHT FOR YOU if:
You Have Physical or Energetic Parasites and Want to CLEAR THEM
You Want and Extra PUSH to SHIFT Your ENERGY
You Are Ready to END Food Cravings, Bloating and Parasitic Squatters
You Want to Reset Your Body, Mind and Spirit
You Are Ready to DROP Blocks and Bullshit
You are Ready to End Old Cycles of Trauma and Call in YOUR POWER
PURGE Negative Vibes for GOOD