How I Became the Shamanatrix- All Possibilities Podcast

People find shamanism fascinating, especially when someone outside the traditional cultures uses these powerful ancient techniques in their practice.

One of the most common questions I receive from those interested in shamanic healing is, “How’d you get into this line of work anyway,” and I usually preface it with, “It’s a looooong, crazy story. I even wrote a whole book on it.” Even though I rarely promote it.

I don’t always share the backstory of my transition from Creative Arts therapist to Shamanic Practitioner, because of how intense and dark parts of my journey were. It's always easier to share the joyful parts of the story, the light ones that make you feel good and happy inside. But my journey was not filled with many of those warm, fuzzy moments. Instead, I had a lot of suffering. I had to dive deep into the shadows of all the scary shit to retrieve my power, just as Persephone had to dive deep into the underworld to bring back the light of the world and the energy of Springtime and rejuvenation to heal her community. Yet, I'm super grateful for my journey and realize it was part of my shamanic initiation into my work. The journey needed to be so dark and twisted, so I could learn important lessons about my past, how to help myself heal and how to help others transform their own situations of trauma.

In this exclusive interview with Jessica Brodkin on the All Possibilities Podcast, I spill the beans, take you into the shadow years of my life before becoming the Shamanatrix and share how I learned how to use shamanism and soul retrieval to bring back my power, heal my spirit and help others heal too.

Check out the podcast interview HERE if you dare to dive deep into my healing story.