Ready to Release Old Bullsh*t and make Room for the New??

Ready to Release Old Bullsh*t and make Room for the New??

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You always know when you find your true calling because you love what you do and people begin to magnetize to you when they need what you have to offer.
And that’s how I feel about the resinous tree sap from the Croton lechleri tree called Dragon’s Blood…the Amazonian super plant I’ve fallen head-over-heels in love with ever since my trip to the jungle 5 years ago when I went to work with the indigenous Shipibo peoples in Peru.
My energy and connection to the divine light up when I’m working with the plant. My energy is stronger.
I’m focused.
I lean more fully into my power.
I create stronger and healthier boundaries within myself and with others.
And it helps eject all the bullshit out of my life.The old patterns.
That voice in my head that tries to keep me small and in a state of fear.
The self-sabotaging energy that keeps me from focused on keeping my unwavering faith on my goals.

That energy that makes me overeat and over indulge in what I know isn’t good for my body.
And I feel so in love with the process when I’m supporting my fellow tribe in releasing all the crap. The limiting beliefs and the anxiety. Releasing the physical and energetic parasites from their life. Releasing all that crap into a bucket filled with the bullshit they just ejected from their life.
And seriously, not many people like to be around projectile vomiting, especially when they’re hurling parasites and demons into a bucket, but somehow, doing this work, I’ve never felt so alive.
So aligned.
So hopeful.
So excited to celebrate the amazing breakthroughs my Dragon’s Blood Clients are experiencing.
I’ve had the amazing opportunity to see my clients literally TRANSFORM their energy like I’ve never seen before.
I’m watching my clients release ancestral burdens.
I’m watching them release negative thinking and behavioral patterns.
I’m watching them go from heavy and overwhelmed by the energetic patterns in their lives, to BREAKING FREE of the bullshit.
And all from working with this plant in ancient and sacred traditional Shipibo style way. “Vomitisma” as they’d call it in the jungle.
I literally had one friend who went through a series of two ceremonies to release all the bullshit that was coming up for her in her new partnership. She met a wonderful new man who was the one she’d been calling in for years, and when he came into her life, it triggered the shit out of her.
After she stepped into partnership, her energy changed. She became angry and dark. I stopped hanging out with as often her because I felt the energy so intensely. This man was bringing the limiting beliefs and self-sabotage to the surface. She was ready to purge it.
She was resistant at first (which is what happens when the energies that are unhealthy realize they’re gonna have to go once you sit in the ceremony—the most common response to this work—initially). But she decided to attend because she had an underlying sense that this was going to be good for her.
And when she got there, she struggled with the energies that DID NOT want to leave. But by the end of the second ceremony, after I gave her extra water to drink to complete the purge, she had a MASSIVE shift!
She was so calm. So peaceful. So freaking chill and open-hearted. Like how I’d seen her years ago, but ever brighter and shinier than before!
She was renewed! It was amazing!
A month later she pulled me aside and shared how the Dragons Blood had brought her incredible shifts. From her relationship to her career, she’d ascended to the next level of her work. She launched a successful new program at her job and has cleared all the layers of emotional blockages she’d been holding onto for as long as she could remember.
“And people just keep noticing how different my energy is…it’s not just me, everyone’s reflecting back to me how big these shifts have been.”
It’s like, how can’t I be satisfied after a day’s workshop when my clients are leaving looking clear, empowered, and a million times lighter than when they walked into the room in the first place?
And, while I swore to myself I was going to take off the next few months from offering Dragon’s Blood Ceremonies, I realized that ever discovery call with new clients, every referral, every conversation in my personal and professional life keeps bringing me right back to Dragon’s Blood.
So I’m following spirit. I’m following the nudge from the dragon and from all of you who’ve been asking for it, and asking for more…
These are my next Dragon’s Blood dates:
Dates: Sunday, November 18th & Sunday, November 25th And Sunday, December 9th and Sunday, December16th

Location: Brooklyn (exact address given upon reservation)
Time: 11:30am-5pm
Exchange: $150. A partial deposit of $75 is required to save your seat in the workshop.

Space is limited for the sacred ceremony, so please RSVP and send your deposit to reserve your space now!
These sacred ceremonies are powerful, ancient ways of clearing your energy and raising your vibration. If you’re looking for deep clearing and transformation this is the right work for you!
Dragons blood is a powerful, safe and well-researched plant medicine used all over the world (and in medical science!) for clearing the body of unwanted parasites, illnesses, and energetic blockages. Check out my blog here to learn more about the many amazing benefits of Dragon’s Blood!
Two ceremonies are STRONGLY recommended to clear out physical parasites and energetic blocks. This is why dates are scheduled 2 weekends in a row to facilitate this clearing process.

I’m also offering private Dragon’s Blood/Soul Retrieval Ceremonies by private booking. If you’re looking for deep clearing and transformation this is the right work for you! In this private healing session, we go deep into releasing physical, emotional, and mental blocks with the help of the Dragon’s Blood plant. After the completion of the purgative ceremony I support you with a 1:1 shamanic healing session where we go deep to the root of unwanted patterns and up-level your entire vibration. Each session includes a unique-to-you combination of soul retrieval (wholeness here we come!), energy clearing (say goodbye to those dirty demons!), Chakra balancing (so you can come into your fullest alignment), past life healing (understand the lessons and erase negative, repetitious patterns) & ancestral healing (so you and your family can be set free from what’s unconsciously been holding you back from positive growth!

Book your private session HERE


Janira shared:

"I can feel my overall energy is so different. I feel energized, happy and loving. I’d been feeling pretty heavy for a while and this second ceremony really freed up a lot of the stuck energy that was weighing me down. I’m so excited for all that’s to come- I sense so many openings coming."

Read More


And make sure to tune in LIVE on Wednesday, November 7th to my private Facebook group where I’ll be sharing about Mastering Negative Energy VS. Clearing It Out!

If you’re not already part of our growing tribe of positive, empowering, and curious truth seekers like yourself, join our supportive community of empaths and conscious thinkers today! We’re committed to sharing and promoting effective techniques that STRENGTHEN each other’s natural gifts, confidence, and positive energy. Ready to feel inspired, uplifted, and embrace your power? Your soul tribe awaits you in remembering who you are and inspiring you through your growth don’t have to do it alone! Join us HERE.
Hope to see you there!
Xoxo Kristen

Wanna Have a Heart to Heart Chat?

Let's get on a free 30 min call to see how we can work together to create some serious shifts! Schedule a complimentary Down the Fox Hole Discovery Call with me today!


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Want to Learn more about Soul Retrieval?

Check out my newest book, Be Wholey You: How to Bounce Back from Any Challenging Life Experience with Soul Retrieval, available on Amazon Now. Learn how the ancient practice of soul retrieval can change your life and order your copy HERE!