Mercury Retrograde is Coming....

It’s that time again real soon…Mercury Retrograde is soon doing it’s funny little dance in the sky. Consider this a sweet little heads up.

Mercury is coming…

But really. We’re about to enter into the pre-shadow period of Mercury’s power on December 1st, 2016, which will help escort us into the changes of the New Year. What does this mean for you? Get ready to look over old projects, old agreements, old relationships and incomplete conversations. Basically anything you can redo or recommit to are up for the count. And this can be a crazy good thing. Especially if you have a heads up!

So how can you use this energy to positively work with these energies?

Here are my recommendations!

1.     Plan ahead and start new things BEFORE the Shadow begins in December. Use the end of November wisely! Look at what projects, proposals, and agreements you want to start or sign off on to get an initial move before Mercury goes into it’s shadow on December 1st. Anytime before December 1st is fair game and a prime time to start new things with ease and grace from the omniverse. Start new things prior to the shadow, the time when Mercury begins to slow down in the same territory that it will end up re-transiting not once, but two more times during and after the retrograde.  

2.     Plan some more! Look at what projects need some revisiting, revision and reconsideration. What needs to be redone or re-edited. Any old projects or projects that YOU'VE ALREADY STARTED will be worthwhile to work on come retrograde time, both in the shadow and especially during the full blown retrograde on December 19th.

3.     Be a little ginger when it comes to traveling, communications, and technology of all kinds. Expect technology and communications (both technological like emails, texts, phone calls) and even in person communications to be a little glitchy. Mercury rules travel, communications and techy stuff and can throw some surprises your way. If you give yourself extra time to travel, some space for re-visiting and re-clarifying conversations with colleagues, clients, lovers, friends and family, then you’re setting yourself up for success.

4.     Schedule in extra downtime to revisit YOURSELF. This is a GREAT time to work on healing the past, reconnecting with old friends and going back over events from the past with the intention of mending and healing old wounds.

Know I've got you're back during this wonk time! Feel free to reach out if you need a little extra healing and TLC.

The shadow, which happens before the actual full-blown Mercury retrograde transit (also an important and slightly wonky time) runs from December 1st to the 18th, getting progressively more wonky and intense until Mercury goes stationary to go retrograde on the 19th. This is a day of important communications and otherwise communicative events that will likely set a mood for the entire transit.

Mercury will be it’s good old retro self from the 19th of December to January 7th, shifting stationary to go direct again on January 8th.

But that’s not all! Remember the shadow stage? Mercury will again be covering old territory after the retrograde transit--the space where it already revisited--from the 8th to the 27th of January. So move forward with launches, new relationship and budding projects with some caution because they may still give you a few hiccups as Mercury Retrograde shakes itself out. Come February, all should be in the clear and new things should be flowing again for you in a good way.

To make the most of this time of transit and see EXACLTLY HOW this Mercury Retrograde is going to effect you and what part of your personal chart and chart for your location is going to effect you, make sure to check out my New Moon Astrology Class I’m co-teaching with the talented and wonderful astrologer, Mara Dratfield. Our next monthly circle will be right before the retrograde hits on Tuesday, December 28th from 8-10 pm in Brooklyn.

Kristen Von FoxxComment