Happy Spring Equinox & Super Full Moon In Libra!
Happy Spring Equinox & Super Full Moon In Libra!
Are you feeling it? Are you feeling the tension of energies in and around you, the creative uprisings or the inner desire to break free of all the confines of the past?
If you’re feeling in tune with any of these amplified energies it may be partially due to the energies of the full moon (and several of the other planetary placements) going on right now, just on the precipice of the Spring Equinox! Yay, it’s Finally Spring!
Today the full moon ripens at 0 degrees of Libra while Uranus also sits at 0 degrees of Taurus, as the planet of breaking free from the old and revolution, enters its new sign for the next 7 years of Taurus. Uranus in Taurus is locked and loaded, ready to fire off new changes and bring mayhem to initiate freedom into the fixed and sometimes stubborn, unyielding sign of Taurus. These two 0 degree placements are asking us to let go of the old ways that no longer serve to make room for the new ways more in alignment with who we are and our next level ways of operating. 0 degrees of any sign can be an uncomfortable position of shedding and up-leveling!
As the sun moves into the first of the zodiac signs of Aries today, it lies in direct opposition with the moon (which is what causes the full moon phenomenon). This can create tension between the energy of self and others (because it’s Aries opposing Libra) and may highlight imbalances into our closest one on one relationships. Uncomfortable conversations might be coming up for you at this time, either within yourself or around the balance ofgive and take and in your relationships.
Difficult conversations may be hashed out during the days before or after this full moon. This is the kind of energy about growing deeper in our relationships or creating rifts that pull us apart completely. Just make sure that your ego (and the bullshit baggage you carry) aren’t calling your shots!
The energies of these planets, including a Mars (in Taurus) Square (or challenge) to Venus (in Aquarius), also bring about this incredible need to exert ourselves and express our opinions in a quick, almost automatic way. We might find ourselves feeling irritable and frustrated, perhaps even speaking before we really think about what we’re saying, which plays into this full moon Aries opposed Libra energy.
Every conversation shows us a mirror into the energies of ourselves we cannot see without the assistance of others. It offers an opportunity for breakthrough and healing is we’re willing to see our own reflections…
This full moon is all about finding our balance. About acknowledging what old patterns we may be playing out what no longer serves, asking us to step into the new and more aligned energies made available to us now.
Some questions that are good to ponder during this particular full moon might be:
How are you balancing the energy of your true self and your ego?
What energetic baggage may you be carrying around that no longer serves you? What of it is actually yours? What came from someone else or from a place of insecurity and response to trauma?
Are you speaking and reacting out of your authentic self or from a place of old wounding or patterning?
This new 0 degrees energies are about revolutionizing the way we think, speak and share our vibes with the world. It’s about shedding the old to step into the power that is more aligned and appropriate for us now. This full moon may trigger you, the old baggage and ask you to shed it because it’s holding you back from newer and juicier ways of expressing your self (Your TRUE self) in the world. And it may be a time when you’re shaken awake by how others mirror back your stuff to you, challenging you (unconsciously) to step out of the old and into the new.
I love full moons because they help us do this deep work of shifting and realigning. But sometimes the old crap in the way of our success comes up strongly and tries to block us from moving ahead in a better way.
Springtime is the time to awaken us from the old skin and ask us to shed the old layers we’ve had the change to sit with all winter. Spring is all about renewal, as is this Full Moon and I’ve got some really powerful, timely tools to help you up-level more easily through this process.
This Sunday, I open my first Dragon’s Blood Sessions of the Season (and there are only 2 spots left!)…to help you sweep your self clean and jump-start your system. Dragon’s Blood helps you clear out the blocks that have been holding you back from your true power and your true story of success. It’s renown for its abilities to clear out parasites AND energetic blocks holding you in patterns of sabotage, depression, ‘stuckness’ and anxiety.
If you missed my Benefits of Dragon’s Blood Ceremonies Webinar you can catch the recording on my blog HERE:
We’ll join together for sacred ceremonies Sunday, March 24 and Sunday March 31 from 11-4pm.
The ceremonies include a guided, safe experience working with the Dragon's Blood medicine, a nourishing vegan meal, shamanic sounds healing experience, and a guided shamanic drumming journey to connect in more fully with your intuition, the medicine and yourself!
This is a two-part cleanse.
Because one needs two sessions, 7 days apart to CLEAR Adult parasites and a second one to clear their next generation (those gross critters lay eggs inside you! Yuck 🤢!!!!/TRUTH.) I’m here to support you in a full cleanse and MOST people feel best after 3 Sessions (although the 3rd one can be longer than 7 days apart).
These safe and effective ceremonies assist one in DEEP cleansing of PARASITES, TOXINS, and energetic BLOCKS. (Shitty relationship patterns, negative energy, inability to move forward with your desires, you name it!)
Dragon’s Blood IS RIGHT FOR YOU if:
-You have Physical or Energetic Parasites and want to CLEAR THEM
-You want an extra PUSH to SHIFT Your ENERGY
-You Are Ready to END food cravings, bloating and parasitic squatters
-You want to Reset Your Body, Mind, and Spirit
-You Are Ready to DROP Blocks and Bullshit
-You are Ready to End old cycles of trauma and call in YOUR POWER
-PURGE negative vibes for GOOD
Dragon’s Blood Ceremony Registration
1. Review the SAFETY LIST below.
2. If you are clear of the lists below, you may make a payment to reserve your seat in the next upcoming circles.
*Note: 3 Sessions are recommended for optimal results. 2 sessions (7 days apart) are needed to kill all life cycles of physical parasites entirely.
4. Complete the Health Form (sent to you after registering), also accessible here: Link to the google form
5. Read the Preparation Guidelines (sent to you after registering).
Dragon’s Blood is safe and effective natural plant medicine used for many ailments, taken internally and externally. It is non-toxic and can be used as a powerful purgative agent when received from an experienced practitioner. Nonetheless, there are some situations where the medicine is not safe or recommended. Therefore, please review the following precautions.
Dragon’s Blood IS RIGHT FOR YOU if:
-You have Physical or Energetic Parasites and want to CLEAR THEM
-You want an extra PUSH to SHIFT Your ENERGY
-You Are Ready to END food cravings, bloating and parasitic squatters
-You want to Reset Your Body, Mind and Spirit
-You Are Ready to DROP Blocks and Bullshit
-You are Ready to End old cycles of trauma and call in YOUR POWER
-PURGE negative vibes for GOOD
You are NOT ELIGIBLE to receive Dragon’s Blood treatment at this time if:
-Under 18 years old without parental consent
- Severe mental illness
- Severe epilepsy
- If pregnant or suspecting pregnancy
- If breastfeeding a baby
- Any heart issues: heart surgery, blood clots, previously suffered a stroke, etc.
-If you aren’t serious about stepping into your power and aren’t willing to fully show up
- If you are in the advanced stages of any disease
- Extremely physically fragile
- Very low blood pressure
- Over 70 years of age
If you want to learn more see my webinar replay HERE!
And if you’re already ALL IN you can reserve your seat for the next circles Here for March and April!
Kristen C. shared:
"It helped me feel so much lighter in a time when I was feeling really bogged down and had no energy to do anything. It opened up a new way of thinking and helped give me the energy to shed negative relationships. It was great. I swear by it!"
Donate & Recycle Your Empty Bottles with Us!
Do you drink large 1.4 Liter Kombuchas and have extra bottles? Recycle them with us! We need more of these sized bottles to support the growing Dragon's Blood Circles! Just respond to this email if you're in the Brooklyn area and we'd be happy to take them off your hands!
I’m also offering private Dragon’s Blood/Soul Retrieval Ceremonies by private booking. If you’re looking for deep clearing and transformation this is the right work for you! In this private healing session, we go deep into releasing physical, emotional, and mental blocks with the help of the Dragon’s Blood plant. After the completion of the purgative ceremony I support you with a 1:1 shamanic healing session where we go deep to the root of unwanted patterns and up-level your entire vibration. Each session includes a unique-to-you combination of soul retrieval (wholeness here we come!), energy clearing (say goodbye to those dirty demons!), Chakra balancing (so you can come into your fullest alignment), past life healing (understand the lessons and erase negative, repetitious patterns) & ancestral healing (so you and your family can be set free from what’s unconsciously been holding you back from positive growth!
Book your private session HERE
The Shamanatrix, Inc. content is not intended to be used for medical diagnosis or treatment. The information provided by the Shamanatrix is intended for general consumer understanding and entertainment only. The information provided is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. As health and nutrition research continuously evolves, we do not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or timeliness of any information presented on this website.