How to Clear and Empower Yourself From Parasites

In my last blog post on The Miraculous Healing Properties of Dragons Blood I spilled the beans about my favorite go-to healing plant, Dragon's Blood, and what it's good for! You can see the video where I talked about the benefits of dragons blood HERE.

And today I'm going to share with you how I'm offering it to my clients in a sacred way...
Check out this video i just did on it!

Have you ever been depressed, battled with energetic ‘stuckness’, or felt like something’s been holding you back from feeling happy and free?
I know I’ve definitely felt that way before. In fact, the last time I felt some weird unseen layer of energetic blockage inside me, I decided to sit in ceremony with Dragon’s Blood. Every time I meditated into what I could do to release this depressive energy sitting on me, preventing me from taking positive action in my business and with my vision, the message kept coming to “put your medicine where your mouth is.”
It was clear to me that it was time to sit with Dragon’s Blood.
Usually I only use Dragon’s Blood when I’m sick with physical parasites and need that extra boost of help, but I work with a nutritionist who routinely tests me for parasites and knew I was in the clear. But I knew there was something important about sitting with this highly medicinal sap to clear out the energetic parasite I was carrying, which was blocking me from really stepping into my fullest power.
Physical parasites are a natural part of our ecosystem. You can get them from food (raw fish, meat, unwashed raw greens), from other people you share utensils, glasses, housing and bathrooms with (your partner, your mother, your father, your roommate), from animals (most pets that haven’t been treated for parasites usually are carrying them and can give them to you when you clean their poop, get licked in the face), and from touching silverware, doorknobs, railings and other things contaminated individuals have touched with unwashed hands. They’re in the water in many foreign countries and are all over the place. They’re impossible to avoid!
Energetic parasites also exist inside and around us. It’s not uncommon for people to pick up negative energies, bad spirits, and negative vibes, especially after trauma (a hard breakup, a fight, an accident, a childhood trauma). When we’ve been through something hard and have experienced some level of heartache or soul loss, it leaves us especially vulnerable to negative energetic parasites that find their way in, see where we’re wounded and feed off of the negative feelings we’re experiencing. These types of negative energies can cause depression, rage, self-sabotage, jealousy, apathy, and feed off layers of feelings we have about our wounds.
But we don’t have to let these parasites feed off of our life force. We don’t have to stay sick, depressed, stuck, and enslaved.
We can choose our power, our freedom, and our life force.
And Dragon’s Blood teaches us how.
The day I was called to sit with Dragon’s Blood again I was desperate for something to shift. I was battling a self-sabotaging stuckness, I was feeling hopeless and I was tired of feeling blocked, readying for a f*cking breakthrough.
Just as I’d already learned in the jungle, Dragon’s Blood reminded me to choose my life and take back my power. It reminded me to choose myself and to stand in my power to take back my health and all of my energy from anything sapping it.
As I’ve worked one-on-one with clients in my healing work, I’ve watched old energetic blockages flee the body as my clients are purging. I’ve seen negative patterning from parents release, negative self talk and mind bullies leave, and I’ve seen my clients regain their light and power after letting go of what no longer served them.
Here’s what Terra in Brooklyn had to say:


Dragon’s Blood IS RIGHT FOR YOU if:

-You have Physical or Energetic Parasites and want to CLEAR THEM

-You want and extra PUSH to SHIFT Your ENERGY 

-You Are Ready to END food cravings, bloating and parasitic squatters

-You want to Reset Your Body, Mind and Spirit

-You Are Ready to DROP Blocks and Bullshit

-You are Ready to End old cycles of trauma and call in YOUR POWER 

-PURGE negative vibes for GOOD 

Dragon’s Blood Ceremony Registration
1. Review the SAFETY LIST below.
2. If you are clear of the lists below, you may make a payment to reserve your seat in the next upcoming circles. *Note: 3 Sessions are recommended for optimal results. 2 sessions (7 days apart) are needed to kill all life cycles of physical parasites entirely.
4. Complete the Health Form accessible HERE.

5. Read the Preparation Guidelines (sent to you after registering).


Dragon’s Blood is safe and effective natural plant medicine used for many ailments, taken internally and externally. It is non-toxic and can be used as a powerful purgative agent when received from an experienced practitioner. Nonetheless, there are some situations where the medicine is not safe or recommended. Therefore, please review the following precautions.

You are NOT ELIGIBLE to receive Dragon’s Blood treatment at this time if:

-Under 18 years old without parental consent
- Severe mental illness
- Severe epilepsy
- If pregnant or suspecting pregnancy
- If breastfeeding a baby
- Any heart issues: heart surgery, blood clots, previously suffered a stroke, etc.

-If you aren’t serious about stepping into your power and aren’t willing to fully show   up

- If you are in the advanced stages of any disease
- Extremely physically fragile
- Very low blood pressure
- Over 70 years of age

The Shamanatrix, Inc. content is not intended to be used for medical diagnosis or treatment.  The information provided by the Shamanatrix is intended for general consumer understanding and entertainment only.  The information provided is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice.  As health and nutrition research continuously evolves, we do not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or timeliness of any information presented on this website.