Ready to Shed the Old Like the Snake Does His Skin?

Let the Shadow Shifting Challenge Begin!

It’s the season for shedding the old and outdated so the new can come in!

Just as the snake sheds his skin. 

Just ask my pet snake, Jasper! As we’ve been going through these last few tumultuous weeks (have you been feeling it?!?) so has he as he’s been outgrowing the old and letting it all go. A wonderful lesson for all of us to allow the old to release so we can come into our own new skin!

The Winter Solstice is a time of looking deep within, getting clear on my goals, and clearing out the shadows keeping me from stepping into action around the manifestation of my dreams.

Join me for a FREE Solstice Shadow Shifting Challenge where we'll be dedicating 3 days to clearing out the negative thoughts, behaviors, and vibes that have you stuck in the past, just in time for a fresh new start in the Winter Season.


Because who the heck wants to drag the shadows into the next season? I don't know about you, but I want this next season to be powerful and fresh!