Channeling the Phoenix: Transcending the 3 levels of Scorpio to Ignite Positive Change following the Election

Staying centered and focused on gratitude and our desires for personal change is crucial at this moment. We are truly at a pinnacle point in history. One where we consciously and unconsciously CHOSE to arrive at. We were born to be alive at this moment, living exactly where we are, in these bodies, with these minds and our sparks of inspiration.

The aftermath of this election has stirred up a wide array of visceral feelings from anger to fear and hopelessness. Yet, it’s been in my experience that the brightest rays of hope are created in the darkest times. Trump being elected into office may have ignited the fire that we all needed to transmute our passionate feelings of frustration into action towards positive grassroots change. In fact, that’s what the astrological sign of Scorpio is all about. The sign that we’ve been in since October 22nd and will remain in until next Monday the 21st.

Harnessing and focusing Scorpio’s energy into courage, we can ignite peaceful change. Sometimes the mirrors that we attract....

To read the full article, check it out on Be Light Living blog.

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