Soul Retrieval Article by Sandra Ingerman
Soul Retrieval by Sandra Ingerman
"Imagine yourself sitting in a circle with members of your community. You have gathered together to support one community member who is suffering from a traumatic experience. You know that if one person is suffering and is ill it effects the entire community. So you have come to help hold the space for healing to happen.
It is dark and the stars are shining bright in the night sky. The air is still. Everyone feels held in the loving arms of the universe and there is no doubt that healing will happen for all gathered here.
The shaman begins to drum and dance calling the power of the universe to her as she puts her egoic self aside and becomes an empty vessel that fills with the help of the spirits.
The client lies quietly in the center breathing deeply to be in a receptive state to receive back his lost soul; his lost vitality.
The shaman sings her journey out loud as she tracks down where the soul has fled. And on finding it returns and blows it deeply into the heart of the client filling the entire body with the light of life.
There is a great joy for all as one heals all are healed. The community is now whole again and can be in peace and harmony.
The work is done."
Infinite blessings to my teacher, Sandra Ingerman, for beginning me on my path to learning soul retrieval.